Animated Tutorials

Animated Tutorials and Webcast Animated tutorials provide a visual walk-through of common routines. Technical experts from Unitrends host Webcasts to teach best practices and show you how to get the most out of your Unitrends solution. Animated tutorials and webcasts are both available here.

Animated Tutorials  
Change your OS Root Password
Detailed steps and a concise visual tutorial for changing the OS root password.
License a Unitrends Backup Appliance
Need to license a recent UB deployment? Watch the animated steps to activate your UB by updating your license using your activation code.
Create a New User
Set up a new user to manage, monitor or administrate your Unitrends system.
Set Credentials for a Protected Asset
Add a new domain user or update the domain user account in your Unitrends system.
Configure Email Notifications
Configure email reports through gmail and send a test email to verify.
Shutdown the Appliance
Always shutdown and restart your Unitrends appliance cleanly.
Create a Backup Job
A quick animated GIF tutorial for creating a new backup job.
Set Retention for an Asset (Min/Max/Legal Hold)
See how to setup mininum and maximum retention for backups or place a legal hold on a range of critical backups.
Run an On-Demand Full Backup
Protect a new server by running an on-demand backup now.
Place a Backup on Hold
Protect a critical backup from purging to ensure it is never deleted.
Delete a Failed Backup
Find and delete a backup which is no longer needed.
Test a VM Backup
Spin up a protected VM in Instant Recovery audit mode to test your recovery.
Change VM Quiesce Settings
Set your quiesce settings to crash consistent, application consistent or application aware
Recover a File from a VM Backup
Perform a file level recovery from a VM backup then download the file to your desktop.
Setup a Windows Replica
Be prepared before a disaster hits and keep an up-to-date replica of your critical Windows server running at all times.
Reset a Backup Copy Job
Perform a reset of a hot backup copy job.
Change Bandwidth Usage for a Hot Copy Job
Increase bandwidth usage during a holiday or decrease it for a big event.
Determine my Unitrends Cloud Usage
Answer the question: How much data am I sending to the Unitrends Cloud? See a break down of your Cloud usage.
Setup a Cold Copy Job
Setup a cold backup copy to removable media, a NAS, a third party cloud provider.


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