Problem: There was an issue prior to with two Access Rights for User Roles controlling agent packages that were not being honored: Set As Default Package and Show On Download Page:
Cause: This was reported to our Engineering team and resolved in the latest patch for 9.5:
"Fixed an issue where the create/edit dialog screens weren’t honoring the user role access right restrictions for the ‘Set As Default Package’ and ‘Show On Download Page’ flags. (VSA-394)"
Note: For the following steps, role restricted user refers to a VSA user who does not have permissions to see either the Set As Default Package or the Show On Download Page.
- To remove the unwanted flags created by role restricted users, a VSA administrator will need to take ownership of the packages in question and remove the flags:
1. Login as a VSA admin
2. Navigate to Agent > Packages > Manage Packages
- If you are unsure who owns each package, click a header drop-down and select Filters > Owner:
3. Select the agent package in question and click Share:
4. In the "Share Package" dialog screen, click Take Ownership and hit Save:
5. Select the same agent package and click Edit
6. On the agent package wizard, click Next until you reach Step 3 of 3
7. Remove the flag(s) you do not want the role restricted user to have and click Finish:
8. The role restricted user's package now has restricted flags removed.
Note: Below are optional steps to have role restricted users take back ownership of agent package(s):
1. Have a role restricted user log into the VSA
2. Navigate to Agent > Packages > Manage Packages
- If you are unsure who owns each package, click a header drop-down and select Filters > Owner.
3. Select the agent package in question and click Share.
4. In the "Share Package" dialog screen, click Take Ownership and hit Save.
Note: If you have any questions regarding this KB article, please feel free to contact Kaseya Support via: