Agent Failing to Change Machine Groups

Issue: When I try to change the group of an agent, I get the following error:

The Targeted group ID is already at the maximum number of allowed agents. Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count=1, current count=0

Cause: You might have set a limit to the max agents for the target machine group in System > License Manager > License By Group tab.

Fix: You can correct this by following the steps as follows:


  • Navigate to System > License Manager > License By Group tab.
  • Select Change License Allocations.
  • Change the agent max license to Unrestricted or a higher number if the limit option is selected.
  • Click on Save to save settings.

Note: After following the above steps and setting the max license correctly, it will allow you to change groups. If the issue is still not resolved after these changes are made, go ahead and create a ticket with Kaseya Support via this link.


Applies to: VSA 9.3, 9.4, 9.5.

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