Agent tab > Set Credential test fails. Script or agent logs may contain errors such as:
ERROR: getVariableValue() failed to get dynamic script variable value, type 1 - <agent temp>\credentialTest.txt.
ERROR: doGetVariableValue() failed to open <agent temp>\credentialTest.txt
nProcessAsUserThread("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /C set > "<agent temp>\vercred.txt") failed with error 1314 (unknown username or bad password). Confirm that the process is running as the local system account.
The supplied credentials may be incorrect, or there may be an issue preventing the test from being completed.
1) verify that the supplied credentials are correct by starting a remote control session to the machine and attempting login manually to the specified domain
2) check that the agent credential account and the local SYSTEM account have the following permissions on the machine: -
- full access to the agent temp directory (as specified using Agent > Temp Directory setting)
- read/execute access to the command shell (%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe)
3) run services.msc and locate the "Kaseya Agent" service (agentmon.exe). Go into the properties, click on the "Log on" tab and ensure that "Local System account" is selected (use of any other account to run the agent service is not supported)
4) delete the agent temp directory and run the test again (the directory will be re-created by the agent with fresh permissions)
5) if the credential account does not have full local admin permissions, add it to the "adminstrators" group and re-test
6) disable the Windows DEP option and restart the Kaseya Agent.
7) if you are using a domain account, test with a local machine account to rule out any issues with domain authentication or group policies
If the issue remains, please raise a support ticket and include the following information:
- machines / groups affected
- outcome of all the above steps
- any messages in agent and script logs when test is run
Applies to:
Kaseya Windows Agent (all versions)
Kaseya Mac Agent (all versions) - Steps 1,4,5,7