I am setting up my Kaseya Server in a LAN environment on a server machine that does not have routine access to the internet. What are the consequences of this type of a configuration?


I am setting up my Kaseya Server in a LAN environment on a server machine that does not have routine access to the internet. What are the consequences of this type of a configuration?


The Kaseya Server requires access to the Internet for the following functions, for example:

Patch Management
The Kaseya server connects to the internet in order to retrieve the latest patch information from Microsoft and ancillary files from Kaseya.

Kaseya Hotfixes
Kaseya release hotfixes for the Kaseya server. The download and installation of these require that the Kaseya server is able to reach the Internet to download these.

Updates to KES require that the Kaseya server is able to connect to the Internet to pull definition updates.

Software Management
Software Management is a vulnerability and patch management module for Windows and Apple machines. Software Management also manages deployment of popular 3rd-party software packages for both Windows and Apple operating systems. Without the Internet connection, these updates cannot be downloaded on to your Kaseya server.

Without the Internet connection, updates to BUDR/KBU cannot be installed on to your Kaseya server.

Further Addon Modules
Without the Internet connection, updates to these other addon modules cannot be installed on to your Kaseya server.

License Management
Your Kaseya server periodically check-in with the license server to see if there are any updates to your license. Typically this would be to add additional seats, extend maintenance, or add newly purchased features.

Kaseya was designed with the expectation that the kaseya server would be Internet-connected, and as such, although there are some work-arounds that involve downloading files manually, copying them to certain directories and running scripts to import the changes, the ideal situation is that the kaseya server is allowed to connect to the Internet directly and perform these checks/updates automatically and regularly.

Applies To

Kaseya Server - All Versions

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