How do I manually uninstall the Kaseya Agent from Mac machines?
You can follow these steps:
- Download the file or grab the file from your Kaseya Server at \Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles\VSAHiddenFiles\macInstall\, and copy it onto the Mac. The Uninstaller can also be downloaded from the .zip file attached to this KB article.
- Unzip the file.
- Run the KaseyaUninstall.pkg installer and choose to Install to the Macintosh Hardrive. Although this appears to be installing a product, it is actually running the uninstallation script for the Kaseya Agent.
- Log in with the user that installed the agent initially and delete the /var/tmp/kpid file. To do this launch Terminal and run the "rm -rf /var/tmp/kpid" command.
- Remove the agent with root rights, i.e. in Terminal run the "sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/kpid" command and then provide the root password
- The Kaseya Agent and all associated files will be removed.
Note: Keep in mind that for Step 5, the machine needs to have a root password already active, i.e. a user with administrator rights has run the "password root" command and created a password for root. Also, failure to uninstall the Kaseya Agent following these steps but instead dragging and dropping the KUsrTsk application from Finder > Applications to the Trash can result in issues with a future Kaseya Agent that might need to be installed on the Mac machine.
Applies to: All VSA's.