Kaseya Agent Working Directory Best Practices


What are the best practices for using and/or configuring a K2 v6-based Agent Working / Temp directory for Kaseya managed machines?



***For Windows-based managed machines

K2 v6

The default working directory created when a Kaseya Windows Agent is installed is "< OS_Installed_Partition >:\kworking".

Where < OS_Installed_Partition > = The Partition in which the Windows OS is installed to.


The default working directory used (or created) when a Kaseya Windows Agent is installed is "< OS_Installed_Partition >:\temp".

Where < OS_Installed_Partition > = The Partition in which the Windows OS is installed to.

NOTE - v5.1 VSA software refers to the working directory as the Agent "Temp Directory".

If one wants to change this in K2 v6 or v5.1
This is fine, simply note that Microsoft OS controlled directories are not recommended to be set as a Kaseya Agent working directory nor are allowed in the VSA Interface in K2 v6 VSA systems. Permission issues can occur even though they pass Kaseya 'Set Credential's and 'Patch Status' tests pass if these directories are set.

Note that the NETWORK SERVICES account must have permissions to this directory, and so it is advised that you do not put the agent workingdirectory under any Microsoft controlled folder as the NETWORK SERVICES account does not have inherited access to each location. Another folder on the root of the drive, such as C:\agent or C:\setup would normally be fine. See the Online Help for the Agent tab > Temp Directory for details.

The following Microsoft OS controlled directories should never be used as a working directory and are not allowed to be used for any new K2 v6-based Agent installation:

< OS_Installed_Partition >:\Program Files
< OS_Installed_Partition >:\Document and Settings

< OS_Installed_Partition >:\Temp
< OS_Installed_Partition >:\Users
< OS_Installed_Partition >:\Windows

Change already existing agent working directories to not reference Microsoft OS controlled directories. 

If making a change, copy the existing working directory data to the newly referenced working directory path.

The Working Directory folder should be visible to the Set Credential account and the Set Credential should have Full Control of this folder.  Please refer to https://kaseya.zendesk.com/entries/33148768 for additional detail regarding agent permissions to the endpoint.


***For Mac-based managed machines

v5.1 & K2 v6

The default working directory created when a Kaseya Mac Agent is installed is "< OS_Installed_Partition >/Library/Kaseya/kworking".

Where < OS_Installed_Partition > = The Partition in which the Mac OS is installed to.

NOTE - v5.1 VSA software refers to the working directory as the Agent "Temp Directory".


K2 v6.0.1.0 and later


The default working directory created when a Kaseya Mac Agent is installed is "< OS_Installed_Partition >/LIbrary/Kaseya/kworking".

Where < OS_Installed_Partition > = The Partition in which the Mac OS is installed to.

If one wants to change this in v5.1 or K2 v6

This can be changed, though proper root & admin credentials need to be applied to the permissions for the directory this is changed to. Do not change this directory to Mac OS controlled directory paths.

If making a change, copy the existing working directory data to the newly referenced working directory path.


***For Linux-based managed machines

K2 v6

The default working directory created when a Kaseya Linux Agent is installed is "< OS_Installed_Partition >"/tmp/kworking

Where < OS_Installed_Partition > = The Partition in which the Linux OS is installed to.

If one wants to change this

This can be changed, though proper root & admin credentials need to be applied to the permissions for the directory this is changed to. Do not change this directory to Linux OS controlled directory paths.

If making a change, copy the existing working directory data to the newly referenced working directory path.


Applies To:

Kaseya K2 v6 VSA Software
Kaseya v5.1 and earlier VSA Software

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