Live Connect terminates immediately when launched

Live Connect terminates immediately when launched, or stays running but displays a blank screen. This issue is caused by an incompatibility with a few Intel driver versions on certain chipsets. 

There is a configuration value users can set if they find issues with OpenGL on certain machines (certain graphics drivers), where they can disable OpenGL.


Live Connect has a configuration file that can be used to configure a few parameters in Live Connect. This config file is not normally added on installation, so it will need to be created manually the first time when wanting to change default Live Connect configurations. The file lives (or should be created) at the following locations:

Location On Windows

%APPDATA%\Kaseya\LiveConnect.ini (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Kaseya\LiveConnect.ini)

To switch to ANGLE/OpenGLES instead of OpenGL on a Windows machine, in the event of graphics drivers issues



If this fails you can try the software renderer instead: Remote Control rendering issues

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