To investigate most issues with Live Connect (KLC), Kaseya Support will require logs from the following locations:
Viewer (the computer that KLC session is initiated from):
Live Connect and Admin Endpoint Logs:
Windows 7 and later: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Kaseya\Log\KaseyaLiveConnect
macOS: ~/Library/Logs/com.kaseya/KaseyaLiveConnect/
Agent (the computer that KLC session is connecting to):
Agent Endpoint Service Logs:
- Windows 7 and later: C:\ProgramData\Kaseya\Log\Endpoint\
- macOS 32-bit: ~/Library/Logs/com.kaseya/Endpoint/
- macOS 64-bit: ~/opt/kaseya/INSTANCE_ID/logs (need entire folder)
If there are no files present in the above locations, the following logs will be needed:
Agent Service Log (Windows) or System Log (MacOS):
- Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\[serverGUID]\agentmon.log
- macOS 32-bit: /var/log/system.log
- macOS 64-bit: ~/opt/kaseya/INSTANCE_ID/logs (need entire folder)
Agent Install Log:
File location depends on OS and whether it was fresh install or upgrade from the earlier version. Details can be found here.
VSA Logs (if on-premise)
Edge service: C:\ProgramData\Kaseya\Log\KaseyaEdgeServices\
API: c:\Kaseya\api\v1.0\logs\
Certificate creation:
- C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Kaseya\Log\MakeSelfSignedCert.exe\
- C:\Kaseya\WebPages\install\makecert.txt
Verbose Endpoint Service Logs
In some cases, Support may request "verbose" Endpoint logs to troubleshoot complex problems. In this case, proceed as follows.
- Copy attached file (KaseyaEndpoint.config) to this folder on the agent machine - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\[serverGUID]\Endpoint
- Restart "Kaseya Endpoint service"
- Reproduce the problem
- Capture fresh Endpoint service log from here - C:\ProgramData\Kaseya\Log\Endpoint\Instance_[serverGUID]\KaseyaEndpoint
- Remove the config file, and restart the service once again
If the problem is intermittent, please state the exact time that the problem last occurred.
Applies to
Kaseya VSA - R9.3+