File copy from Acronis archive fails (times out) and prompts for password again


  • on a backup agent, you open an Acronis backup image by double-clicking on the .TIB file from File Explorer and entering the image password
  • you select some files/folders within the archive and try to copy to the original location or another folder outside of the archive
  • the file copy stops part way through, and you are prompted to enter the image password again


  • this is a known issue with Acronis Backup
  • this method of accessing the archive is recommended only for browsing and small file copies


To restore larger file selections, use one of the following methods: -

1) mount the archive, then copy the files from the mounted drive

The mount be done from any of the following places: -

  • Kaseya web interface (Backup > Recovery > Explore Volumes page) - requires that backup image is still in the original location
  • Kaseya "local UI" on agent machine - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\<serverGUID>\Backup\KaseyaBackupLocalUI.exe
  • Acronis Management Console - right-click on .TIB file, select Mount from menu, enter image password, follow on-screen instructions


2) run restore task from within Acronis Management console

- open Acronis Management Console
- select Actions > Recover from the main menu
- click on Select Data under "What to recover" section, browse to folder containing backup image (.TIB file)
- enter image password and select files/folders from within backup
- change settings under "Where to recover" section if needed (by default it will recover to original location, overwriting any existing files)


Applies to

Kaseya VSA (Backup module) - v6.5 and later

Acronis Backup v11.x

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