Acronis Managed Machine Service will not start due to logon failure

Windows reports an error starting the "Acronis Managed Machine Service": -

"Error 1069 The service did not start due to logon failure"

Explore Volumes may fail with "Failed to connect to mms"


This error means the service won't start due to a logon failure with the Windows account the service runs as. During installation of Acronis, a local account is created called "Acronis Agent User" with a random password. If the password is changed or the account is disabled, expired or deleted, the service will not start. 
Re-set the password for the "Acronis Agent User" account and ensure it is enabled, then enter the new password in the "Log on" tab of the service properties using services.msc. If the original account no longer exists, you can create a new account (domain or local) with membership of the "administrators" and "backup operators" groups.
If the issue is unresolved, please run the Acronis Info tool (see KKB000732 for instructions) and submit the output to Kaseya Support for analysis
Kaseya Backup

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