Backup failed - Access is denied. Access to the file is denied


  • Image Location for a Backup agent is configured as a network share
  • Image Location test passes, but backup fail with an error like this: -

Backup failed - ProtectCommand: Failed to execute the command. EnsureBackupInvariantsCommand: Failed to prepare the location for the backup archive. Access is denied. Failed to retrieve information about file '\\<server>\<folder>\<agentguid>\VolBackup\<set name>'. Access is denied. Access to the file is denied. Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password



Issue #1

  • the backup agent belongs to a domain, and the "agent credential" account is a domain user
  • the Image Location share is on a server or NAS device that does not belong to the domain
  • the share is not password protected, so the image location test passes, but Acronis will still try to authenticate as the "agent credential" user 
  • backup fails because the Image Location server cannot authenticate the domain credentials

Issue #2

  • backup agent and image location server belong to the same domain
  • the image location is configured as a DFS path (\\<domain>\<folder>)


Issue #1

1) create a local user account on the Image Location server or NAS device that has full access to the share - the user account must have a password set

2) go to Image Location page 

3) select "Connect using specific credentials" option 

4) enter credentials for user account created in step 1

5) click "set" button

Acronis will now use the credentials of the Image Location server or NAS to authenticate to the share.


Issue #2

  • change the Image Location path to use the host name or IP address of the server hosting the share (e.g. \\<server>\<folder>) instead of the DFS path (\\<domain>\<folder>)


Applies to

Kaseya VSA (Backup module) - v6.5 and later

Acronis v11.x

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