KB#: KKB000546
Why does Offsite replication fail repeatedly with a number of errors in the offsite replication logs?:
20081209 07:16:28 - Write to d:\xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx\VolBackup\20081201 19.00.38\volBackup.tib failed. Wrote 0 of 65536 expected bytes.
20081209 07:16:28 - Loaded ignored file list: "c:\temp\OffsiteServerIgnoreList.txt"
20081209 07:16:29 - Session from IP address xxxxxxxxxx is done.
Checking the offsiterep.log file in the agent temp directory reveals many entries of the following form:
Windows error 32 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: - unable to open file "\\\backups\volumes\xxxxxx\VolBackup\20081228 06.12.24\volBackup1.tib" to get file status.
Attempting to create a file of the same size as that being replicated on the off-site server results in the following Windows error:
Error writing file: 665 The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation
The offsite server volume is heavily fragmented, and the operating system is unable to extend the offsite replica of the files due to a design limitation of NTFS.
Please see the Microsoft article for a description of the cause: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957180/
Free up at least 20% free disk space on the offsite server disk volume affected and then defragment the volume.
In this instance, due to the level of defragmentation and the size of the volume, a number of defragmentation tools failed to successfully defragment the volume: namely the inbuilt windows defragmenter, wincontig, IObit smart defrag and defraggler.
JKDefrag was able to initiate defragmentation of the volume. It can be downloaded from http://www.kessels.com/Jkdefrag/. Note that this is a 3rd party tool that Kaseya does not support or imply any warranty for.
Backup tab
Offsite server