Kaseya Backup client (Acronis) does not detect hard disks that are present in Windows


  • After installing Kaseya Backup client, Schedule Volumes page does not display a drive which is present in Windows
  • ? displayed instead of drive letter
  • Backup may fail with "Failed to find hard disk n"


Drive may not have a valid MBR or a third party software is blocking the access to hard disk drives.


Go to Backup > Install/Remove function and install the latest version of the Acronis client

If the issue persists, refer to this Acronis article - http://kb.acronis.com/content/1515


If the issue is still not resolved, submit the following information to Kaseya Support

  • Acronis Info report
  • Screenshot of Windows Disk Management (Start-Run -> diskmgmt.msc)
  • Drive list from Kaseya Backup (this can be found on the kserver in this location - C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles\<agentguid>\Audit\backupList.xml)


Kaseya Backup
Acronis Backup and Recovery 10

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