Removal of deprecated Antivirus (KAV) and Anti-Malware (KAM) modules from VSA

Kaseya terminated support for Antivirus (KAV) in May 2022 and Anti-Malware (KAM) in July 2022. In January 2023, most functionality was removed from both modules, except for reporting and client uninstallation. This was to allow customers to complete migration of managed endpoints to alternative endpoint security solutions.

In Q1 of 2025, we will complete removal of both modules from VSA. This means that:

  1. It will no longer be possible to initiate removal of Kaspersky or Malwarebytes software from endpoints using VSA.
  2. It will no longer be possible to run reports on client installation status, use view filters to identify endpoints, or target them with policies.

If you previously used either module, please read the following sections to ensure you are prepared for the planned changes.


Client Uninstallation

We recommend you take the following steps as soon as possible to ensure that KAV and client software is removed from all active agents before the remaining functionality is removed from VSA. You will lose the ability to do this after removal of the modules.


Antivirus (KAV)

  1. In VSA, navigate to Antivirus (deprecated) > Show > Machines
  2. Use the Filter control in the top navigation bar to identify any endpoints where the client is still installed.
  3. If any endpoints are found, use the Install > Uninstall Antivirus control to initiate the uninstall process. If the agent is currently offline, the process will execute the next time it checks in to VSA.


Anti-Malware (KAM)

  1. In VSA, navigate to Anti-Malware (deprecated) > Show > Machines
  2. Use the Filter control in the top navigation bar to identify any endpoints where the client is still installed.
  3. If any endpoints are found, use the Install > Uninstall Anti-Malware control to initiate the uninstall process. If the agent is currently offline, the process will execute the next time it checks in to VSA.


View Filters

Antivirus and Anti-Malware Add-On Module filters will no longer be supported. Any saved views with these filters selected will return 0 agents after the update.


Info Center (reports)

  • Anti-virus and Anti-malware folders and data sets will be removed from Info Center > Configure & Design > Report Parts. Any report elements created from them will be permanently deleted.
  • Saved reports which include deleted data sets will no longer render those elements.
  • KAV and KAM references will be automatically removed from all saved Exec Summary reports.
  • Anti-virus and Anti-malware folders and templates will be removed from Info Center > Configure & Design > Report Templates.
  • Saved reports created from deleted templates will be permanently deleted.
  • Any reports which are filtered by machine view filters targeting Antivirus or Anti-Malware add-on modules will no longer return any data.



  • Any policies associated with machine view filters targeting Antivirus or Anti-Malware add-on modules will no longer be applied to any agents. 

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