Below is a list of general troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve issues with the licensing of Kaseya Anti-Virus. If any of the procedures below do not resolve your issue, please contact Kaseya Support at your earliest convenience.
- KAV Shows A Different License Date Than Shown On The Endpoint (VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8)
- KAV License Pool Does Not Match Installed Count On VSA (VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8)
- KAV License Expired/Expiring Alerting On Endpoint, Not In VSA (VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8)
- KAV License Expired/Expiring Alert on VSA (VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8)
KAV Shows A Different License Date Than Shown On The Endpoint
Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS
Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8, KAV6, KAV10
The endpoints are always going to show an expiration different from the license expiration shown in KAV. There are multiple licenses and timers in play that are integrated together to coordinate the Kaseya and Kaspersky licenses for the integrated KAV product. The Kaseya license (the license by which you are billed) expires 1 year after installation to the endpoint, and is noted in the KAV module as the license expiration date for the endpoint. At the end of that year, the number of expired licenses is increased by one, the agent ID is issued an unused license, and the unused license count is decreased by one. All of this is independent of anything happening on the endpoint.
For further information, please read the following KB:
KAV License Pool Does Not Match Installed Count On VSA
Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS
Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, VSA 7.0, VSA 8.0, KAV6, KAV10
Sometimes, uninstalling KAV from an endpoint will fail. As such, the machine will not be completely removed from the kav database. This will likely give you an incorrect count of installed machines. Please re-run the uninstall procedure on machines that have the "failed" status.
If your license count continues to be incorrect, or you cannot get a machine to remove its data from the KAV module, please contact Kaseya Support.
KAV License Expired/Expiring Alerting On Endpoint, Not In VSA
Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS
Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8, KAV6, KAV10
IF KAV10 was UPGRADED from KAV6:
Further Notes: If your endpoint is not using the default KAV password, the registry procedure will cause incompatibilities, please contact Kaseya Support for further assistance.
IF KAV10 was Newly Installed:
KAV License Expired/Expiring Alert on VSA
Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS
Applies To: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8, KAV6, KAV10
If the endpoint is reporting an expired license, please confirm that you have available full licenses. Please note, partial licenses cannot be used for license extensions, only new installations.
If a machine is reporting an expired license, yet the VSA shows a license should not be expired, please perform a repair on the endpoint:
If the issue persists, please contact Kaseya Support for further assistance.