(KAV) Master: General Alert Issues

Below is a list of general troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve issues with the alert functionality of Kaseya Anti-Virus. If any of the procedures below do not resolve your issue, please contact Kaseya Support at your earliest convenience.

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KAV Alerting Every Hour/Non-Stop

Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS

Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8, KAV6, KAV10, KAV (classic)

By design, KAV alerts are set up to trigger one alert per machine per hour. A Feature Request has been created by the community to see this changed.


If you have confirmed the original alert issue has been resolved on the endpoint, but alerts keep occurring, please contact Kaseya Support.

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KAV Alerts Not Sending Emails/Creating Tickets

Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS

Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, VSA 7.0, VSA 8.0, KAV6, KAV10, KAV (Classic)

First, confirm that the alert profile settings are correct and that the endpoint in question is linked to it:



Second, If emails are set as an action, please check the outgoing mail queue. Located in System>Server Management>Outbound Email and confirm that the alert emails have not been created or if they are set to failed/queued.



If the issue persists after confirming settings and the endpoints above, please contact Kaseya Support.

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KAV Alert Profiles Appear in Both KAV and KAM

Applies To: On-Premise/SaaS

Applies To Versions: VSA 6.3, VSA 6.5, R7, R8, KAV6, KAV10, KAV (Classic)

By design, KAV and KAM alert profiles are linked.A Feature Request has been created by the community to see this changed.

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