Network Discovery runs in a loop and resulted as error/stale


Network discovery runs in a loop and later the status becomes STALE.


Example:  Sample discovery logs from <Traverse_Home>\topology\logs\discovery.txt

14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - --------- Extensions --------------
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - Number of extensions: 5
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-layer3 complete: false
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-l3routing: Percent: 0 numExpect: 1 processed: 0 qSize: 0 inPlay: 0 bSent: 0 bRcved: 0
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - L3vex: Percent: 0 numExpect: 1 processed: 0 qSize: 0 inPlay: 0 bSent: 0 bRcved: 0
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-conn complete: false
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ConnPr: Percent: 100 numExpect: 4 processed: 4 qSize: 0 inPlay: 0 bSent: 1234 bRcved: 1352
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-layer2 complete: false
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-vmware complete: false
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - ext-rpt complete: false
14:34:55 . loopmon noAddr - Percent Complete: 40
14:36:55 . loopmon noAddr - ************** Progress *****************

Discovery in loop appears as above, it starts running in a loop with a keyword (loopmon)  and percentage complete shows less than 100. 



Configuration on BVE

  • Check file in <Traverse_Home>\plugin 
  • If it is not available then create a  on the same path and add the below parameter.
  • Save the configuration file
  • Restart the correlation summary engine  (CSE) and Internal communication bus (JMS) on BVE instance

Configuration on DGE/DGEx

  • Take a backup of  "<Traverse_Home>\topology\config\config.default file
  • Make below changes in original "config.default" and save the configuration
IPDAllowSuspiciousIP  false
IPDPingPrimerPeriod 0
  • Restart the data gathering engine on DGE/DGEx instance where the problematic discovery configured
  • Run the problematic discovery from webapp ( by navigating to ADMINISTRATOR -> DISCOVERY)

If the network discovery still fails. Kindly zip <Traverse_Home>topology & <Traverse_Home>logs directory from DGE/ DGEx and attach it to an opened ticket with support. Please do not attach them here.



9.5 and above


Traverse: Troubleshooting device discovery or device dependency issues

PT- #321408




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