CURL search returns : Encountered error while executing command: You must pass in the tests


- When using an API call to output a list of all container members using a command like the following

curl -k -X GET https://localhost/api/rest/command/container.members?servicename=* -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'accept */*' -H 'cookie: TraverseJSessionID=#######'
- Returns an error stating: "ERR 501 Encountered error while executing command: You must pass in the tests"


- To request a token to Authenticate with Traverse REST API, this KB can be followed -

- Then you can add a test to the container



- Lastly, use the API call to output a list of the container members, such as below:

curl -k -X GET https://localhost/api/rest/command/container.members?servicename=* -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'accept */*' -H 'cookie: TraverseJSessionID=#######'









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