Problem: When saving a ticket an error is displayed -
"The system is in the process of creating the form 'Customer_Service_Fixed_Width_No_Tabs.xml'.
Please try again."
Cause: This specifies that the editing template is not yet assigned to the user role associated to the user trying to save a ticket.
Resolution: You will need to assign the editing template to the user roles affected.
You can do this by:
1- Navigate to Service Desk > Common configuration > Role Preferences
2- Select the Role > On the right hand side pane, select the tab called "Service Desk" > Select the Service Desk
2- Select the Role > On the right hand side pane, select the tab called "Service Desk" > Select the Service Desk
3 - Choose the editing template from the drop down list
4- Save
4- Save
Applies to
Kaseya Service Desk