Users unable to see newly added organization in the Organization selection box in the Ticketing > Tickets> Organization Field


When creating a new Ticket , Users unable to see newly added organization in  the Choose Organization Box 





User's Scope  does not have this " Organization"  added to their scope 

The New Organization does not have the Staff User assign to it  (Staff User- staff member who is associated to the organization and does not

have the SD Roletype, whose main function is to view and create/update ticket ) 



  1. Log in as Master Admin
  2. Navigate to System > User Settings > Scope
  3. Select the User's Scope
  4. Check and Verify if the newly added organization in the Organization Tab, if not Add the organization
  5. for  Staff  User  ,  Navigate to System >  Orgs/Groups/Dept/staff > select the Organization and  check to see if this staff user is associated to the Organization 


Applies to 

Service Desk

All VSA Version 

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