Simple Stage Entry and Ticket Change Procedure

KB# KKB001022


A Simple Stage Entry and Ticket Change Procedure.



The purpose of this KB Article is to give you a simple Ticket Change procedure. When customers go from the Ticketing module to the Service Desk module, this sample procedure will get you started with at least the same functionality as in the Ticketing module.


Simple Stage Entry Procedure

1. Go to service desk tab > Stage Entry/Exit page

2. You can either modify an existing stage entry procedure or create your own. This stage entry procedure will be used to run when a ticket is first created in Service Desk.

3. A basic stage entry procedure has the following functionality when a ticket is created:

- An email is sent to the Ticket Submitter letting them know that their ticket has been received

- Sets the ticket to a certain assignee/pool (in this case, it will be set to a pool, however, feel free to modify the procedure to include a certain assignee)

- An email is sent to the assignee/pool that is assigned to the ticket


Your stage entry procedure should at least have the following steps:

Simple Ticket Change Procedure

1. Go to service desk tab > Ticket Change page

2. You can either modify an existing ticket change procedure or create your own. This ticket stage procedure will run start running each time a ticket is saved in ANY way after the ticket is initially created.

3. A basic ticket change procedure has the following functionality when a ticket is created:

 - Will email the ticket submitter when a public note is added to the ticket

- Will email the assignee/pool when a public note is added to the ticket


Your Ticket Change procedure should at least have the following steps:



Kaseya Service Desk, VSA v6.3, VSA v6.2

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