KDB - BackupFailedToStart: There was an error with the agent database


Data Backup (KDB) logs this error when trying to back up an agent: -

Error! BackupFailedToStart: There was an error with the agent database.



KDB backup database on the agent machine is corrupt.



1) on the agent machine, locate the Kaseya Agent installation directory

- by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\[serverID] on 64-bit OS or C:\Program Files\Kaseya\[serverID] on 32-bit

- [serverID] is a unique ID, for example KSAASC1234567891234

2) rename the "KOBdb" sub-directory

3) start a new backup - the database will be recovered from the last completed backup on the storage server


Applies to

Kaseya VSA (Data Backup module) - all versions

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