Backup failed - "The agent stopped communicating with the server for more than 10 minutes"


Backup fails with error message: -

The agent stopped communicating with the server for more than 10 minutes


Backup will fail with this message if the agent is unable to communicate with the Kaseya server web interface for 10 minutes. In some cases, the agent may still be on-line, because agent check-in uses a different network port.


1) review the agent side KDB log - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaseya\<server GUID>\onlinebackup.log

2) look for an HTTP error such as this: -

Wed Mar 04 20:36:02.989 2015 KDLLHost.exe 5.0 TID=18736 [ OnlineBackupService.dll ] {::ERROR} TaskMonitor::PublishEventsThread( ) : Continuing.
PublishEventFailed : SendRequestFailed : ResponseStatusNotOkay :
URL = 'https://<server address>:443/KOB/ASPx/pages/EventReceiver.asmx'
ObjectName = '/KOB/ASPx/pages/EventReceiver.asmx'
Verb = 'POST'
ResponseStatus = 404
URL = 'https://<server address>:443/KOB/ASPx/pages/EventReceiver.asmx'. Response content = '<html>
<title>The resource cannot be found.</title>

(where <server address> is the IP address or DNS name of the Kaseya server)

Depending on the error details, proceed as follows: -

3) if connection was attempted using an invalid IP address or DNS name: -

  •  go to Agent > Check-in Control page and ensure that Primary Kserver is set to a valid address that can be reached from the agent's network location

4) if server address is correct, but invalid port is used: -

  • log onto Kaseya using correct external address and port
  • go to System > Server Management > Configure page
  • click on "reapply schema" link - this will update references in the database to correct URL (Note - Kaseya services will be stopped during this process, so it is recommended to complete this task out of business hours)

5) if server address and port appear to be valid

  • log onto the backup agent machine
  • test access to the Kaseya server using a web browser - use standard TCP/IP troubleshooting techniques to resolve any issue
  • if internet access is provided through a proxy server, ensure that winHTTP service is configured with correct proxy settings, as described in this MS article

Applies to

Kaseya VSA (Data Backup module) - all versions

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