Failed KSDU Scans


When reviewing Status > By Machine page and after running a KSDU scan, the Machine Version column is not updating or blank.  Also KSDU is reporting successfully deployments of the software; however, the module lists the machines as being out of date even though they are not.





The KSDU Latest Scan or Baseline Scan is failing. This can be due to a wide variety of issues and we will continue to update this KB to accommodate the KSDU errors thrown. KSDU scan errors can be found by navigating to the Schedules page, selecting the agent & associating scan schedule, and clicking on the View History button.




A list of errors is shown below:

Error 215 / Certificate Errors - Some Firewalls, Anti-Virus, Security products and HTTP proxies can interfere with Ninite's connections and cause this. To resolve this matter, please attempt the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Add the following sites to your firewall/proxy’s whitelist:
    • on port 443
    • on port 80
    • on port 80 OR on port 80 OR 80
  • Turn off “Check for Server Revocation” option in Windows Internet Options (Advanced Tab).
  • Add the following exclusions to the Anti-Virus/Security software on the endpoint (if applicable):
    • The Agent Working Directory (i.e. C:\kworking)
    • The Agent Install Directory (i.e. C:\Program Files\Kaseya)
  • Make sure the date is set correctly on the endpoint.
  • Please attempt to use the KSDU Offline Scanner for endpoints that do not have an internet connection. The scanner can be configured in the Application Settings page under the tab Offline Scanner. Note: This option is only available in Kaseya VSA 6.3 / KSDU 1.1

Skipped (program running/locked) - Close the software being updated, and possibly any open browser(s). Then try the install again.

Skipped (misc.) – Please contact support for further assistance.

Agent Procedure errors – Please contact support for further assistance.


If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please contact support for further assistance.





Kaseya Software Deployment & Update (KSDU), Kaseya VSA - All Versions

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