In versions prior to this release, end users had to authenticate to interact with EmployeeShield®. From this release onward, MSP admins can obviate the need for authentication by turning on the "Skip Recipient Authentication" toggle both locally (organization level) as well as globally (MSP level).
By default, the "Skip Recipient Authentication" toggle is turned off, and the effect is as before: end users must authenticate to interact with EmployeeShield®.
To turn on the feature globally, go to the "EmployeeShield® Branding" section on the "MSP Administration" page and turn on the "Skip Recipient Authentication" toggle and save.
Note: To know the difference between the "Save as Default", "Apply" and "Save as Default and Apply" buttons, please refer to the following link: What do Save as Default, Apply or Save as Default and Apply Buttons Mean?
To turn on the feature locally, go to the "EmployeeShield® Customization" section on the "Settings" page of the desired organization and turn on the "Skip Recipient Authentication" toggle and save the change.