#vPatchConfiguration.LanCacheUNCPath# variable not storing value


#vPatchConfiguration.LanCacheUNCPath# variable in the agent procedure gives no data when ran against few agents despite having the LAN cache assigned to the machine.



This particular view that we are referring is getting the information from "Patch Management > File Source" page but despite having the LAN cache assigned to the machine if the File source is set to anything other than LAN Cache, it will show the blank value for the view.


Make sure that the file source is assigned to the machine as a LAN cache. Anything else apart from this wouldn't show the value for the variable in the agent procedure.

You can confirm the same using the below query.

select MachineId, LanCacheUNCPath, FileSourceSetting from vpatchConfiguration
where AgentGuid = XXXX

Replace XXXX with the agentGuid. 


File Source setting '3' in this query indicates that the agent is configured to use the LAN Cache feature.


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