Agent Procedures show as Pending Approval


You have written an Agent Procedure but when you try to run it, you receive a message
"Agent procedure could not be run because it is either not signed or not approved, or both."


In version 7 and above, Agent Procedures must be approved by a Master admin before they can be executed - this is a security feature. Procedures written by Master admins are automatically approved.


If the procedure was written by a Standard admin then please request a Master admin to log in, go to the Agent Procedures -> Approval page and approve the Agent Procedure.

If there is nothing listed as Pending Approval, then it is possible that the procedure has already been approved but has been modified since approval.

A Master admin can simply edit the procedure and re-save it for the approval to be re-set.

If the procedure is a system one, it may be that the automatic approval process that ran at the time of the upgrade did not complete successfully or completely, leaving some system procedures unapproved.

If this is the case, the Kaseya Support team can help resolve this by re-starting the background procedure to re-approve these procedures. Please raise a Support Ticket referencing this KB article and this can then be corrected for you.


If this does not resolve the issue, please raise a Support Ticket letting us know that you have performed the steps in this article.


VSA Version 7 upwards

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