The Kaseya Reporting Server Service does not Start and/or Stops Immediately after Starting it.

Problem: The Kaseya Reporting Server service does not start and/or stops immediately after starting it. 

Cause: If the server is migrated from one app server to another, and the reference of the old app server is not cleared properly on the DB, it might show the duplicate services from both the servers: 

SELECT * FROM dispatching.processes

Note: In the following example ALISRV02 was an old APP server and ALIAPP01 is the new APP server. The DB still has the reference of the old app server:


  • Delete the instances of the old server but first ensure to make a backup of the DB item before deleting it - you can do so with the following query: 

SELECT * INTO dispatching.processesBak FROM dispatching.processes

  • Now delete the rows for the old server: 

DELETE FROM dispatching.processes WHERE machineName = 'OldServerName'

  • Now try starting the Kaseya Reporting Server service, which should allow it to start at this time.

Applies to: VSA 9.4 and up.

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