R9.5 Install/Upgrade Checklist

Below you will find documentation for the R9.5 release  as well as a pre- and post-install checklist.

Pre-Install Checklist

  1. You must be on R9.3 or R9.4 to upgrade to R9.5 - if you are on an earlier release, please upgrade to R9.3 or R9.4 before installing R9.5.
  2. Using SSL (HTTPS) to secure web-based traffic is recommended.  To use SSL, the new Kaseya Application Firewall introduced in 7.0 needs an SSL Certificate. 
  3. If you are currently using SSL, and are upgrading from version 6.5 or earlier, you must import your existing certificate into the new Kaseya Application Firewall.  
  4. The R9.5 Install will automatically configure IIS to listen on port 18081 to operate with the new Kaseya Application Firewall.  
  5. The R9.5 Install will automatically configure SSRS, if installed on the server, to listen on port 18086 to operate with the Kaseya Application Firewall.  
  6. Disable or uninstall any anti-virus that may be running on the new server during the upgrade process. Anti-virus can interfere with the installation of Kaseya as it can block and/or lock files during the installation process. After the installation of Kaseya we recommend to set exclusions for the entire Kaseya directory (typically C:\Kaseya).
  7. As with any software upgrade we recommend having a full backup of your ksubscribers database as well as Kaseya directories. More details are available in the installation guide above.

Post-Install Checklist

  1. If you are running Windows Firewall on the System, make sure you have opened ports 5721, 80 and 443 inbound/outbound or you will not be able to reach the system remotely.
  2. Verify agents are checking in. 
  3. Verify you are able to update agents. (Note, no more than 100 agents should be updated at the same time. Please stagger accordingly to prevent performance issues.)
  4. Verify reports are working
  5. Verify the new Kaseya Remote Control works (note: you must update your agents so they have the new Kaseya functionality after installing R9.5 as stated above)

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