Large/Stacked Monitor Queues (WMI/SNMP) is observed in Chart View
Observing large or "sawtoothing" monitor queues (e.g. WMI or SNMP monitor queue) within Traverse is generally a sign of many tests timing out or taking too long to respond and is stacking the queue. This can result in "sawtoothing" of the monitor queue's graph as it is reaching its maximum queue size and flushing the queue.
Example graphs of WMI Monitor Queue Size
To alleviate the issue, it is recommended you review the monitor.log on the DGE server (under <TRAVERSE_HOME>/logs) that is observing this and search/grep for "Timeout waiting for response from device". This can often point you to the IPs of the devices that are contributing to the large queue size.
Example: (Physical Memory Usage): testConfig=1780152; snmpOid=.; Timeout waiting for response from device
Once the list of IP addresses have been identified, it is recommended to either suspend the SNMP (or WMI) tests to see if the queue size stabilizes after about 45 minutes.
All versions of Traverse