Tip: How Do I optimize the DGE Database


If there are "gaps" in the test charts (see example error below), it is likely that the database needs to be optimized.


Please also note that it is highly recommended that the below procedure is run after a database repair (db_repir.sh or db_repair.cmd). The MySQL DB (Performance and Event Database) must be running to perform an optimization.

To do so where <TRAVERSE_HOME> is the Traverse installation directory.


utils\db_optimize.pl --run



cd <TRAVERSE_HOME>utils/db_optimize.pl --run



one may see an error message such as the below:

2014-11-08 07:02:07,703 m.MonitorServer[Monitor Server]: (ERROR\) Warning: too many elements on aggregation-writer Queue: 157993 elements with 39158 testConfigs, clearing out queue



How Do I Repair An Error With A Traverse Database

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