How to move a DGE extension to a new (upstream) DGE


How do I move a DGE extension to a new (upstream) DGE?


The following instructions allow for one or more DGE extensions to be moved from their current upstream DGE to a newly installed DGE.  Creating a new DGE for this purpose allows for the retention of existing historical data.

To complete the move of one or more DGE extensions from one DGE to another:

  • install new Traverse DGE and reboot
  • stop Traverse components on new DGE
  • delete these folders from the new DGE
  • provision the new DGE by navigating to Superuser->DGE Mgmt in the Web Application
  • create a backup of the databases on the existing upstream DGE 
  • copy the backup of the historical data from the current upstream DGE to the new DGE

TRAVERSE_HOME\database\backup\backup_aggregateddatadb\   --->   TRAVERSE_HOME\database\mysql\aggregateddatadb\
TRAVERSE_HOME\database\backup\backup_processdb\ ---> TRAVERSE_HOME\database\mysql\processdb\

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  • restore the historical data on the new DGE:


net start nvdgedb

apps\mysql\bin\mysql --defaults-file=etc\mysql.conf --execute="SHOW TABLES" --database="aggregateddatadb" --skip-column-names > tables.txt
for /F %G IN (tables.txt) DO @apps\mysql\bin\mysql --defaults-file=etc\mysql.conf --execute="REPAIR TABLE %G USE_FRM" aggregateddatadb >> logs\database_restore.log

apps\mysql\bin\mysql --defaults-file=etc\mysql.conf --execute="SHOW TABLES" --database="processdb" --skip-column-names > tables.txt
for /F %G IN (tables.txt) DO @apps\mysql\bin\mysql --defaults-file=etc\mysql.conf --execute="REPAIR TABLE %G USE_FRM" processdb >> logs\database_restore.log


etc/dgedb.init start

apps/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=etc/mysql.conf --execute="SHOW TABLES" --database="aggregateddatadb" --skip-column-names > /tmp/tables.txt
for i in `cat /tmp/tables.txt`; do apps/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=etc/mysql.conf -u root --password= --execute "REPAIR TABLE $i USE_FRM" aggregateddatadb; done

apps/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=etc/mysql.conf --execute="SHOW TABLES" --database="processdb" --skip-column-names > /tmp/tables.txt
for i in `cat /tmp/tables.txt`; do apps/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=etc/mysql.conf -u root --password= --execute "REPAIR TABLE $i USE_FRM" processdb; done

  • stop the Traverse components on all the existing DGE extensions to be moved
  • stop the Traverse components on the current upstream DGE
  • stop all the components on the BVE, except for the "Provisioning Database",  and “Internal Communication Bus”
  • stop the webapp (if you run it in a separate server)
  • for each DGE extension, issue the command on the BVE to move it;


apps\jre\bin\java -Xmx1024m -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -Dnetvigil.config="%CD%\etc\" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:///%CD%\etc\log4j.conf" -Djava.ext.dirs=webapp\WEB-INF\lib com.zyrion.traverse.utils.MoveDgeExtension "%CD%\etc\emerald.xml" "dge-extension-name" "new-upstream-dge"


database/schema/alter/ "dge-extension-name" "new-upstream-dge"
  • start the Web Application
  • navigate to Superuser->DGE Mgmt, select 'update' link for the DGE Extension, and specify the IP address/FQDN of the new upstream DGE
  • stop all the remaining Traverse components on the BVE
  • start all the Traverse components on the BVE
  • start all the components on the original DGE
  • start all the components on the new DGE
  • start all components on the DGE extensions that were moved


In case you encounter any issues, please review the following:

  • Check the DGEx services remain 'running'.
  • Check each DGEx is establishing tcp/9443 to the new DGE.

- run > netstat -tna | grep 9443

- It should be connecting to the IP address of the new DGE.

  • If services do not remain running, check the logs, common errors are:

 - DGE name in dge.xml does not match the DGE defined via the UI.
 - IP address of upstream DGE defined in DGEx in UI is incorrect.
 - Firewall blocking tcp/9443 to new DGE.

  • If all this is verified and correct, and the DGEx is still not connecting, then restart the services on the DGEx



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