Tip: What is an Application Profile? How do I see tests associated with an Application Profile?


Is there a list of infrastructure monitored by Traverse?
What is an Application Profile?
How do I see tests associated with an Application Profile?



Infrastructure monitored by Traverse:
Here is a list of Supported Infrastructure. Please note however that new support is continually added.

Application Profiles:
Application Profiles are a set of tests (metrics) that can be monitored on a particualr piece of equipment or application from a vendor. For example, the 'Cisco Wireless Access Point" application profile lists all metrics applicable to monitoring the Wireless Access Point (WAP) equipment from Cisco.

Please log in as a user in a department or log in as superuser and represent into a department

Navigate to Administration --> Other --> Custom Application Profiles

Each of the entries in the drop down list represents a device/application signature.

Tests/Test Types:

To review the tests or test types:

Select the appropriate 'Application Profile Name:' from the drop down field.

The Test Categories will now be populated with the list of test types applicable to that application profile, as in the image below.

Note: The system may respond to more tests than just what is listed here if tests are discovered using the monitor (wmi, snmp, etc.) directly.





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