Traverse Web Services - Current, Legacy and Deprecated

What are the various Trvaerse web services?

To review the list of available Web Services endpoints, navigate to https://traverse_ip/api,  replacing 'traverse_ip' with the actual IP address or domain name of the Traverse Web Application. There are 3 different versions of Web Services grouped under the headings:

  1. Services
  2. Legacy Services
  3. Legacy Services - Deprecated

We recommend using the latest version, or (1) in the above list, however Engineering has indicated that Legacy Services (2) is also fully supported but might be deprecated in a future release.  'Legacy Services - Deprecated' (3) will eventually be removed and should not be used.  

Note that the Web Application also uses many of the Web Services endpoints (1) and that most web service requests/responses are recorded in $TRAVERSE_HOME\logs\service.log in JSON format, where $TRAVERSE_HOME is the installation folder on the server with the Web Application.

Below is a sample SOAP request using the login operation (https://traverse/api/soap/login/login) to authenticate with Traverse:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:log="">

The response contains information about the user's account and a session ID upon successfully authenticating:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns1:loginResponse xmlns:ns1="">
            <timestampStr>Monday, July 27, 2015 1:11:57 PM PDT</timestampStr>

The session ID may then be used to initiate other queries, for example to obtain a list of all devices with the SOAP 'device/getStatuses' operation (https://traverse/api/soap/device/getStatuses)

 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dev="">

It is also possible to specify user credentials (username and password) with most Web Services operations, instead of using a session ID. For example:

 <soapenv:Envelope <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dev="">

All Traverse versions



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