How to capture verbose logging from the provisioning server (Poet)?


How to capture verbose logging from the provisioning server (Poet)?



To list connected Poet (provisioning server) clients from the Traverse BVE:


apps\poet\bin\ptsu -listProcesses localhost > poet_clients.txt

To capture verbose Poet (provisioning server) logging information from the BVE:

On Windows:

  • Launch 'ptsu' from a Windows command prompt on the BVE:
 ptsu localhost

  • Select '11' to 'Set Verbose Mode'
  • Enter '5' for the 'mode'
  • Enter '21' to exit

Wait an hour, revisit the steps above to set the verbose level to '0' (to return to original logging level), then forward a zip archive of TRAVERSE_HOME\logs\poet.log via the ticket.

Please note if this is GNU/Linux this will be logged under TRAVERSE_HOME/logs/stderr.log

On GNU/Linux (please note the backtick ` are to be typed in as is for the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH command below):

cd TRAVERSE_HOME/apps/poet/lib # Replace TRAVERSE_HOME with your actual Traverse install folder
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`
cd ../bin
./ptsu localhost
  • Select '11' to 'Set Verbose Mode'
  • Enter '5' for the 'mode'
  • Enter '21' to exit

Wait an hour, revisit the steps above to set the verbose level to '0' (to return to original logging level), then forward a zip archive of TRAVERSE_HOME\logs\stderr.log via the ticket.


WARNING: This file size will grow quickly due the level of verbosity. Is not recommended to leave this enable after the capture of the required information.



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