How do I upgrade Traverse to the current release?
Note - An updated license file will be required if upgrading from 5.5.X to the latest traverse 9.6.X, create a support ticket. This only applies to upgrading v5.5.x Traverse instances.
Traverse Software Access Links may be found
Traverse on premise upgrade documentation may be found in the User Guide
Traverse Release Notes may be found
Upgrade Process:
You will need to run the installer on each of the Traverse servers. It will detect the prior version and prompt to acknowledge the upgrade.
You must be logged in as Administrator on Windows and effectively as root on Linux. You must also launch the Windows install by right-clicking and selecting 'Run As Administrator'.
On Windows, please disable Anti virus (and similar) software
On Linux, please disable SELinux.
Custom changes to certain files will need to be reinstated once the update completes. Such changes may include, but not limited to, one or more changes to emerald.xml and dge.xml. Please review and add your feedback there.
Also if you have custom signatures in <TRAVERSE_HOME>\etc\typedef\ that have not been included in the release you are upgrading to, you will need to restore them after the upgrade.
We do recommend the following though to minimize any errors and conflicts:
* stop all components on the BVE
* stop all components on the DGE
* stop all components on the DGEx
* take a backup - if possible of the entire Traverse drectory (you may exclude the logs directory)
* upgrade the BVE
* upgrade the DGEs, DGE Extensions (can be done in parallel)
* start all components on the BVE
* start the DGE
* start the DGEx
Please note that all components on all serves must be at the same Traverse release. It is possible that Traverse may operate with components on different minor releases, but such a configuration is not formally tested or supported.
Backups are automatically made at 4am (default) every morning. Please backup the files under <TRAVERSE_HOME>\database\backup. If Traverse components have been stopped, we recommend you backup the entire Traverse directory on the BVE and the DGE.
If an upgrade fails, please open a Severity 1 ticket with Kaseya Support