Monitor memory consumption of Traverse components (SNMP)


How to monitor memory consumption of Traverse via SNMP?


To track the memory consumption of a Traverse component using SNMP, create an Advanced SNMP test with these parameters:

  • Navigate to Adminstration->Devices->Tests
  • Select 'Create New Advanced Tests' (must be logged into the department or represented into the department)
  • Check the box to select 'Advanced SNMP Test'
  • Enter the following, replacing 'xxxx' below with the Process ID (PID) of the component and replacing 'COMPONENT NAME' with the component being used to monitor:

Test Name: COMPONENT NAME Process Memory
Interval: 5 min 
Test Units: MB 
Result Multiplier: 0.001 

  • Select the 'Provision Tests' button at the bottom of the page

One way to determine the PID from a command prompt on the Traverse server is to check the PID associated with a unique TCP port used by the component:

netstat -ano | grep 9999 (netstat -anp | grep 9999 for Linux)

where '9999' is a unique port number associated with the Traverse component. Example JMX ports used by Traverse components include:

Web application: 7691 
Data Gathering Engine: 7692 
Message Handler: 7693 
Correlation & Summary Engine: 7696

If using Linux, you may also run 'cat' on the component's .pid file to display the PID

Web application: <TRAVERSE_HOME>/etc/
Data Gathering Engine: <TRAVERSE_HOME>/etc/
Message Handler: <TRAVERSE_HOME>/etc/
Correlation & Summary Engine: <TRAVERSE_HOME>/etc/


Please note also that the Process ID will change each time the component is started, as such the SNMP OID will need to be updated each time the component is restarted.



All versions of Traverse.



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