How do I list the device license category? or
How do I identify the devices that are deployed and using the "Application Servers" licenses?
The following must be implemented on the Traverse BVE server:
From the traverse Service Controller, please ensure that the BVE API component is running.
Create the file licensecategory.txt in <TRAVERSE_HOME>\utils with the content:
device.list "showLicenseCategory=true"
Next, from a DOS command prompt, started using 'Run as Administrator'
cd utils
..\..\ --host localhost --port 7661 --username <username> --password <password> --input licensecategory.txt --output licensecategory.out --fields devicename,address,licensecategory,accountname --format csv
where <username> is an account (such as the superuser account) and <password> is the password for the account
The file <TRAVERSE_HOME>\utils\licensecategory.out contains the devices and their license category.
One may now load this in an editor or Excel and group/sort/count as needed.
All versions of Traverse