Reports Fail with HTTP 404 Error


Reports fail with: HTTP 404 error




This error may or may not be related to reporting services. A good way to test is the following:
    1. Go to system tab > Configure page
    2. Click on "Change URL"
    3. Once the box opens up, click on the "Test" button
If the test does not fail with an HTTP 404 error, then this is related to reports that do not use reports services to run. In the same wizard you have opened that you performed the test on, click "edit". You will want to look at the "Report URL Base" field. This must always be set to: http://localhost
If the test fails with an HTTP 404 error, then this is related to reporting services. This error specifies that the reporting services URL that they specified in the "Host Name" field is incorrect. To correct this:
1. Open up Reporting Services Configuration Manager
2. Once you connect, click on the "Web Service URL" link on the left hand side and the first part of the URL should match.

For example:

In this case, my Reporting Services URL that should go in the "Host Name" field should be: 

http://LULU/ReportServer_SQLEXPRESS/ReportExecution2005.asmx  (the last part of the URL - ReportExecution2005.asmx is the same for everyone even if you are using SQL 2008 or SQL 2008 R2)
NOTE : Be advised that on VSA R7 and later, if the SQL Server is on the same machine as the Kaseya Server, you will need to be sure that port 18086 is configured on the host name. Otherwise, if SQL Server Reporting Services is on a separate server, then port 80 would suffice.

You will also see a field called Report Base URL - this is not related to Reporting Services and should always stay at: http://localhost

Once you have specified the Host Name correctly in the system tab > Configure page, then click "Change URL", you may still receive an HTTP 401 error or an "insufficient permissions" error.

If you receive an HTTP 401 error or an "insufficient permissions" error, then you must follow the instructions and screenshots provided in the KB Article below:

You would follow those directions in the above KB Article on your SQL server.

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