Modules Missing From The VSA


Installed Modules missing from the VSA menu.


  1. To fix the modules missing from the VSA after an upgrade/reinstall/reboot.
  2. Connect to the KServer
  3. Go to the System Tab > License Manager
  4. Make sure the code matches the License server then click update code and re-enter the key.
  5. If you can’t get to the system tab you can use the following link to enter the license key(after logging into the VSA)
  6. After entering this key you along with all the other users will be logged out of the VSA.
  7. Browse to this site http://<>/inc/getcheck.asp. This could force the server to check-in in with the license server.
  8. Please make sure this check completes as it would say 'check complete' in the browser once completed
  9. Log in and verify, if your missing modules are back.

If the above steps do not resolve your issue then please create a support ticket for further investigation.

Versions Affected:

All on-premise versions

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