How do I create a test VSA?

How do I create a Test VSA?


I would like to create a test VSA. What are the steps I need to take?


You can either create a brand new clean test VSA or you can use the data from your existing production server for your test VSA. The steps for both scenarios are outlined below. 

OPTION 1: Clean Test VSA:

  1. Simply install a new Kaseya VSA following these steps

OPTION 2: Copy of your existing production VSA: 

(Please Note: This will need to be done during a maintenance window)

(Please Note: This article assumes that you will install Kaseya on the same disk drive ('C:' or 'D:') as your production server - There are hard-coded path references in the database. If you install Kaseya on a different drive letter, these will need manual update, please let support know accordingly.)

On your production server:

  1. Important, please make a note of the collation of the ksubscribers database, the reason has been explained here
  2. Back up the 'ksubscribers' database from "System>Configure>Backup Now" and copy this completed backup to a backup folder. (Example: 'D:\KaseyaServerBackup`) 
  3. Please stop all the Kaseya services
  4. Copy "C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles" and all sub-directories (Important: excluding VSAHiddenFiles) to the same backup directory. (Example: "D:\KaseyaServerBackup\ManagedFiles")
  5. Copy "C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles" and all sub-directories to the same backup directory. (Example: "D:\KaseyaServerBackup\userprofiles")
  6. Restart all the Kaseya Services

On your new test server:   

  1. Install SQL using the same collation as the "ksubscribers" database you have on your production server.
  2. Download the kaseya installer (
  3. Run through the installer to install Kaseya without any data
  4. Stop all the "Kaseya" services and the "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
  5. Copy "ManagedFiles" and all sub-directories (excluding VSAHiddenFiles)  from your backup folder. (Example: "D:\KaseyaServerBackup" to "C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles")
  6. Copy "UserProfiles" and all sub-directories from your backup folder. (Example: "D:\KaseyaServerBackup" to ""C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles")
  7. In SQL management studio, restore the database that you previously copied to the backup folder. Please make sure you choose to overwrite the existing database from options tab in restore window
  8. In SQL management studio, locate user with name starting KaseyaVSA and map it to newly restored "KSubscribers" database1.png
  9. Start all the "Kaseya" services and the "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
  10. Then click "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Kaseya" -> "Reinstall Database Schema". Please contact Kaseyasupport if you see any schema fail error message.

These instructions are relevant to on-premise VSA installations only.

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