KAV - How to create a dump file when related to Kaspersky


How do I create a dump file when Kaspersky malfunctions ?



When investigating a malfunction on Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10, Kaspersky Support is going to dump file to further investigate.

Under Windows 7/Vista OS you can create a dump file for any process loaded in the RAM using Windows Task Manager. In order to get the process dump, do the following: 

  1. On the keyboard press simultaneously the keys Ctrl, Shift and Esc.
  2. In the Windows Task Manager window on the Processes tab right-click the process whose dump you would like to generate.
  3. In the context menu choose Create Dump File.



  1. Wait till the dump file is fully created.
  2. In the Dumping Process window in the field The file is located at remember the path to the dump file and the file name.
  3. Click OK.

creat dump.jpg


  1. Close Windows Task Manager.

Zip the file and create a Support Ticket so we can send it over to Kaspesky for analysis.


When collecting the dumps, please make sure thayou also collect the following logs:

GSI Report: https://kaseya.zendesk.com/entries/32433883-Using-Get-System-Info-tool-for-KAV

Traces: https://kaseya.zendesk.com/entries/102736643-How-To-Collect-Application-Trace-Files-KAV-10-

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