How do I Configure Proxy Credentials in KAV 1.4 Profile
In KAV 1.4 we added Proxy settings for the Kaspersky updates so that if your endpoints reside in a network that is using a proxy you can configure it once from the profile to allow all these endpoint to get their updates from the internet. Some proxy servers require authentication information in the form of a user/password. However, for security reasons Kaspersky would not allow us to use clear-text passwords in the profile. The profile must therefore use an encrypted version of the password. In order to find what the encrypted password is you’ll need a single endpoint that has Kaspersky installed and you will need to know what the password is. Then follow these instructions:
1. Open Kaspersky update settings and update the user-name and password for the Proxy
2. Open a command window (Cmd.exe)
3. Find the Kaspersky Installation Folder (usually it is c:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations MP4\)
4. Run the command: “avp export rtp c:\temp.xml”
5. Open Notepad
6. Open c:\temp.xml
7. Search for a line that looks like like this: <val name="ProxyPassword" value="kjshdkfjshdfsdhfsdf098203490sdf09sdf233f3sdf9s7df09s8df0sf0sdfsf232308shdf02" type="10"/>
8. The encoded password is in the value field
9. Copy that (without the quotes) into the profile
Kaseya Antivirus 1.4