How Do I Import An Agent Procedure?

NOTE: Please refer to this KB if the XML/Agent Procedure was exported pre-VSA9.5.7e


Agent procedures are custom XML files that perform a variety of automated tasks. While Agent Procedures are normally written within the agent procedure module, it is possible to import an agent procedure into your VSA.


1. Navigate to Agent Procedures>Manage Procedures>Schedule/Create


2. Expand the Private Root Folder and select the folder with your Kaseya VSA username


3. Next, click on the "Import Folder/Procedure" Icon.


4. This will open a popup that will allow you to import a procedure one of two ways:

  • Upload the file directly:
  • Copy/Paste the XML contents into the editor:

4. Click "Save". The agent procedure, barring any errors, will be loaded into your private user folder.

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