Processing Patch Scan Results Failed


When you look at the Agent Procedure log via Agent module> agent logs option you notice the entry below. Note this would cause patch status page to NOT update correctly as the data has not populated yet. 

           3:01:15 pm 11-Feb-15 WUA Patch Scan 2 System
           Processing patch scan results for <machine_id>  failed.



At some point Zenith Patch Management OR another software/program was installed on the machine



  • Log-in to the machine and locate the ptchscn2.xml on the working directory (e.g. c:\kworking\).
  • Open the file and search for the word: "PROCESS". This will display the process/software that is causing the issue:
    • In this example the component ZPMAuto.exe was found
    • If you confirm that the component is present in the ptchscn2.xml file then perform next steps.
  • Stop the Windows Update service
    • Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\datastore.edb and rename datastore.edb to datastore.edb.old
    • Note you can also rename the entire folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution.OLD
  • Start the Window Update service
  • Run a new Patch Scan


<UpdateHistory Date="2014-10-15 21:29:24" UpdateId="c86d6d0d-4f86-4632-934b-9bb5f5e0605c" UpdateRev="201" Operation="1" ResultCode="2" HResultHex="0x00000000" UnmappedResultCodeHex="0x00000000" ServiceId="7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d" ClientApplicationID="<<PROCESS>>: ZPMAuto.exe"/>


This message on the logs may sometimes be caused due to an outdated version of the Windows Update agent, in which case you would need to update the version:

If in case you may have renamed or deleted the ptchscn2.xml already the file may only contain one line for the machine name - in this case the "PROCESS" name won't be present. However, you can still perform the steps above as the windows file/folder will be recreated once the new scan is performed. 

If this does not help resolve the issue please create a Support Ticket.


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