Patch scan Failed, logs shows -ERROR: doGetVariableValue() failed to open 1\results.muc. Code: 2


Patch scan Failed with the error in Agent logs 
ERROR: doGetVariableValue() failed to open 1\results.muc. Code: 2

1. The path to a directory used by the agent to store working files does not have a valid disk drive  or have been removed or deleted in  the Agents> Manage Agents>  Working  Directory 
2. Login credential for the agent to use in Patch Management in Set Credential does not have Administrator rights on the machine
1. Set a path directory  in the Agent module> Manage Agents >  Working  Directory   and run a Patch Scan 
2. Check and Verify if Set Credential can download and install the patch by running a patch Test, if this passed, run a Patch Scan. 

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