How do I configure a LAN Share as the File Source?

How do I configure a LAN Share as the File Source?

To configure a LAN Share as a File Source, please review the example steps below.  Please note that the machine you designate as the file source:
  • MUST have access to anonymously browse to the following sites to download patches from the patching websites
      note:  if your selected the "...gets patch files from" option is "the Internet," the LAN File Share must have access to the above sites.  If your selected option is "the system server," then the KServer must have access to the above sites.
  • MUST have an agent installed
  • MUST be available to all endpoints which reference it as the patch file source
  • MUST NOT restrict Windows Update/Microsoft Update via Group Policy or other security/management software

To configure the file source, let's assume the file source machine name is Patchfile, the agent name is patchfile.root.myOrg, it has two local drives (C:\ and D:\), and you want the folder used as the patch repository to be d:\patches with a share name of Patches

  • Logon to Patchfile
  • Create a folder on D:\ called Patches
  • Share the folder with a share name of Patches
  • Ensure the System account and the Set Credential account has read/write access to the share AND full control permissions to the folder (it is necessary to set the access permissions for BOTH the folder AND the share)
  • Login to the VSA
  • Navigate to Patch Management > File Source
  • Select the endpoints that you want to use Patchfile as the file source machine
  • Select the radio button "Pulled from file server using UNC path and enter the UNC for the shared folder.  In this example, that would be \\Patchfile\Patches.
  • Select the Machine Group from the "Machine Group Filter" of which Patchfile is a member (you must select this BEFORE you can set the "File share located on:" machine).  In this example, the machine group is myOrg.root
  • Select patchfile.root.myOrg from the "File share located on:" drop down
  • In the "in local directory" text field, type the local directory for the shared folder.  In this example, that is d:\patches
  • The three checkboxes are optional.  Select/deselect each depending on the needs/requirements of your business
  • Once the settings are complete, click apply.  The configuration will be applied to all of the selected endpoints.
  • When an endpoint is determined to be missing an approved patch, the Patchfile machine will supply the patch to the endpoint.  If the patch has not previously been requested by another endpoint and does not exist as a patch installer on Patchfile, Patchfile will retrieve the necessary patch(es) from the Microsoft's website(s) and will serve those patches to the endpoint(s) during patching cycles.

If you want to configure a different patch server for various organizations/businesses, follow these steps for each LAN file share and apply the settings to the appropriate machine groups.

Kaseya (all versions)
Patch Management

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