IT Complete Single Sign-On

Spanning Backup for Salesforce is pleased to announce the integrated authentication option for Kaseya VSA and Unitrends UniView. This feature enables the seamless authentication from Kaseya VSA or Unitrends UniView when configured in Spanning Backup for Salesforce. The control of the feature lies inside Spanning Backup for Salesforce. This feature makes multi-organization management of Spanning backup for Salesforce significantly easier for Managed Service Providers or our Direct customers with multiple Salesforce organizations. This alternate authentication also removes the requirement for Salesforce Administrators to provide additional credentials to partners who manage their backups, further securing their Salesforce organizations. 

Configure IT Complete Login 

IT Complete Single Sign-On is configured in the Spanning Backup for Salesforce organization. Initial configuration requires access to the organization as Spanning Administrator. The organization must already be associated with either Kaseya VSA or Unitrends UniView. 

  1. Login to Spanning Backup for Salesforce as an Administrator. 
  2. Navigate to Settings. 
  3. Locate the Login with IT Complete setting and turn it on. 

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 2.18.09 PM.png

Return to the Salesforce Backup Module in either Kaseya VSA or Unitrends UniView and locate the organization you just enabled for Login with IT Complete. Click Connect to Product and you should be logged into the organization with your VSA/UniView account. 

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 2.18.49 PM.png

Note that while logged in to Spanning Backup for Salesforce all activity is audited and listed in the Activity Log as your VSA/UniView identity. 

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 2.19.31 PM.png

Disable IT Complete Login 

You may disable the integration at any time by turning off Login with IT Complete. This will disable the integration and require Administrators to use Salesforce Credentials to login to Spanning Backup for Salesforce. 

More Information 

If you are a Kaseya VSA user and interested in more information about the Kaseya SaaS Backup TAP module, you can find the User Guide and Installation video here:

If you are a Unitrends UniView user, you will find the user guide here:

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