EmployeeShield® Banner Settings Guide

This guide will help you set up the EmployeeShield® Banner, walking you through its activation and customization. Setup includes two main tasks:

Enabling the banner and setting banner options

To start setting it up, log in as admin, select your organization, and go to Settings > EmployeeShield® Banner.

Activate the EmployeeShield® Banner by turning on the Enable EmployeeShield® Banner toggle button. The default Graphus values will appear when the button is toggled on for the first time.

1. Rollout: By default, EmployeeShield® will be rolled out for all protected inboxes. You can enable EmployeeShield® for selected users of an organization from the Settings page for that specific organization.


2. Recipient Interaction: Interactive is pre-selected by default. If you choose this default option, the banner will appear with interactive links to report the email as Phishing (Unsafe) or False Positive (Safe) to recipients (recommended). If you select Informational, the banner will only provide information, and there will not be any interactive links available to email recipients.

a. Logo Text: This is the organization name that will show on the upper-left corner of the EmployeeShield® Banner. MSPs can provide their name in this box if they prefer.

b. Background Color: Click inside the box for the color palette to appear, and select a color of your choice by dragging the dot inside the square to a specific location.

c. Message Color: You can select a color for your message from the palette.

d. Safe Link Color: You can select a color for a safe link.

e. Unsafe Link Color: You can select a color for an unsafe link.

f. Safe Link Label: You can provide a name to the safe link. You can use any custom word to denote the same meaning. This is the link that the recipient has to click if they believe the email is a false positive.

g. Unsafe Link Label: You can provide a name to the unsafe link. You can use any custom word to denote the same meaning. This is the link that the recipient has to click if they wish to mark the email as a phishing attack.

3. Message: The first option is Graphus Generated Messaging (Recommended). The messages under this option will change depending on the type of phishing detection. Select the second option if you wish to provide a static custom message. This message will not vary depending on the kind of phishing detection. By default, the second option is pre-selected. You can preview this custom message by clicking the Preview Sample button. 

4. Skip Recipient Authentication: By default, the Skip Recipient Authentication toggle is turned off,  so end users must authenticate to interact with EmployeeShield®.

5. To review the applied settings, click the Preview Banner button. 


6. Once you are done, click Save Changes. You will see the following message.


Configuring the Graphus Feedback app

The Graphus Feedback app must be configured for each organization for which you enable the EmployeeShield banner. Configuration will prevent the recipient from being prompted for admin consent when providing feedback via the EmployeeShield banner. 

To configure the Graphus Feedback app:

  1. In the following URL, replace the organizationdomain with the customer's domain.
    Example: The URL for companya.com would be:
  2. Access the URL in your browser.
  3. Log into 0365 with the organization domain's admin credentials.
  4. In the Permissions requested modal, click the Accept button. 

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